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2019-07-19 被浏览:15次

HR Intern

Job Description:

Perform HR Projects aligned to Intel's needs in Chengdu site.

This role will involve researching, bench marking & recommending the design & implementation of specific HR solutions including but not limited to employee relations, retention, organizational culture, employee and leadership development. You will be part of Intel Chengdu site business HR team and will take part in the team activities.

If your desire is HR field, this is your opportunity to join us for challenging professional adventure!


Currently pursuing a master or MBA Degree in Human Resources ,and will graduate in 2021Y or 2022Y.

Good communication skills and inter-personal skills

Strong in team collaboration and problem solving

Prefer the candidate could work more than 3 days/week and continue to work 6 months at least.


请发送你的简历至staffing.chengdu@intel.com, 邮件主题“” HR Intern+可实习时间“ (例如”HR Intern+2019.7-2020.6").


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